Shivaratri 2016
Monday 7th march 2016- Maha Shivaratri
Maha shivaratri Event or the ‘The Night of Shiva’ is widely known with dedication and spiritual dedication honoring Lord (bhagawan) shiva, one of the god of Hindu Trinity. Shivaratri falls on the moonless 14th night of the new moon in the Hindu month of Phalgun, which suggests the month of February - March in English Calendar. Honoring the event of Shivaratri followers observe day and night fast and perform ritual worship of Lord shiva Lingam to appease Shiva.
Mythology of Maha shivaratri
There are quite a few motivating tradition based on the event
of Mahashivratri. Based on one of the most well-liked tradition, Shivaratri
marks the marriage day of Lord (bhagawan) shiva and Parvati. A few consider that
it was on the lucky night of Shivaratri that Shiva carried out the ‘Tandava’,
the dance of the primal creation, protection and deterioration. One other
popular Shivratri history produced in Linga Purana says that it was on
Shivaratri Shiva described himself in the form of a Linga. To ensure the day is considered
to be very fortunate by Lord shiva devoees (upasak) and they celebrate it as
Maha shivaratri - the grand night of Lord shiva.
A Celebration Important for ladies
Shivratri is taken into account particularly fortunate for ladies. Married
female wish for the overall health of their spouses and kids, as well as
unmarried females wish for an suitable partner like Lord (bhagawan) shiva, who's
the partner of
Mahakali, Parvati and Durga. But normally it is thought that
everyone who utters the name of Lord shiva in the Shivratri with pure loyalty is
lacking all mistakes.
They gets to the abode of Lord shiva and is liberated from the cycle of birth
and death.
Benefits from day Maha shivaratri
- Family peace
- Success in relationship
- Protection from enemy
- To get solvetions
See more details of lord shiva