28-29 DEC. 2024- KAMAKHYA SADHANA SHIVIR FOR PROTECTION, WEALTH & PROSPERITY AT VAJRESHWARI. CALL- 7710812329. Guruji Video Call Consulting fees 5100 (30 Minutes)

  • TIME: 11AM TO 8PM
  • divyayoga.shop@yahoo.com
  • 91 7710812329
  • 91 9029995588

Puja Samagri Shop

Puja Samagri for worship

Divyayoga shop provide all kind of puja samagri, like abir, gulal, agarbatti, bet patra, supari, nariyal, ghee, oil, dhatura, bhojparea, kaoor, ganga jal, gulab jal, gomutra, haldi, shahad, ilayachi.

  • Camphor (Kapoor)
    This Camphor  charged by Ganesha mantra. Camphor is a white clear waxy crystalline strong with a robust penetrating pungent aromatic odor...
  • Chandan (sandal ) wooden Stick
    This Chandan wooden Stick is charged by Shree Krishna mantra. It is beneficial for using puja, vashikaran sadhana...
  • Desi Ghee for puja
    Desi Ghee holds its position of purity in practically all the Hindu pooja rituals. In Hindu mythology, Prajapati/Brahma, created Ghee by rubbing or "churning" his hands collectively and then poured it into hearth to engender his progeny...
  • Honey for puja
    Honey is a sweet and viscous fluid produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers. Honey is an integral part of conventional pooja thali...
  • Out of stock
    In Sanskrit, Panchagavya means the mix of five products obtained from cow. Panchagavya is produced from five products of the cow -- its dung, urine, milk, ghee and curd...
  • Raksha sutra/nada
    Raksha sutra/nada uses for shadi, manglik karya and puja. It is tied on wrist, it beneficial for protection from negative impact, success in tasks and prosperity...
    On request
  • Special Havan Samagri
    This special Havan Samagri is prepared by DivyaYoga Shop. The Havan Samagri may be very sacred and each merchandise is significant. Puja Samagri normally consists of a mixture of sandalwood powder, lobaan and ghee....
  • Utane
    ​Utane is beneficial for freshness, clear skin, anti-aging, removes stress and dead skin...
  • Vastu pratima
    Vastu is a science of path that mixes all of the five parts of nature and balances them with man and materials. It is all in regards..
  • White Chamor with Wooden Handle
    ​White chamor is used for puja and arti...
  • White Chamor with Metal Handle
    Chamor is used for all kind of puja and arti.​​..
  • Black Chamor with Metal Handle
    Black Chamor is used for all kind of puja rituals and Arti for worshiping deities...
  • Delivery across Russia
    We will deliver your order by courier throughout India & Abroad by reputed shipping company.
  • Payment online
    Pay for your order by credit card, Debit card, UPI, PayTM, GPay. 
  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com