28-29 DEC. 2024- KAMAKHYA SADHANA SHIVIR FOR PROTECTION, WEALTH & PROSPERITY AT VAJRESHWARI. CALL- 7710812329. Guruji Video Call Consulting fees 5100 (30 Minutes)

  • TIME: 11AM TO 8PM
  • divyayoga.shop@yahoo.com
  • 91 7710812329
  • 91 9029995588

Puja for Property

Puja for Property

Divyayoga shop provide all kind of puja for Property related problems like┬а vastu Puja, vastu devata Puja, vastu dosha nivaran Puja, Puja for land, Puja for property buying, Puja for property selling.┬а

  • Bhumi Pujan
    Bhoomi рднреВрдорд┐ (Bhumi) is the Hindu goddess Mother Earth. Before the start of construction, usually a Bhoomi Pooja is performed. This is to ask permission from Bhoomi Deva, and to get her good will and assistance. It also is to ask forgiveness for the disruption of the many living beings already on and in the land....
  • Grah Pravesh Puja
    In Hindu tradition, whenever you enter into a brand new house, Graha Pravesh ceremony is performed on the day with complete rituals....
  • Vastu Puja
    When you buy a new house or shop then this Vastu Puja is compulsory as this eliminates all negative energies. this Vastu Puja once done helps you to do well in business and promotes peace in the house....
  • Durga sadhana for property
    There is misfortune and when one lives in the rented house and wish his own house. This Durga sadhana..
  • Vishwakarma puja
    All over the world, engineers, craftsmen and designers shall be celebrating Vishwakarma PujanonVishwakarma Day. Vishwakarma Puja is a day devoted to Lord (bhagawan) Vishwakarma..
  • Delivery across Russia
    We will deliver your order by courier throughout India & Abroad by reputed shipping company.
  • Payment online
    Pay for your order by credit card, Debit card, UPI, PayTM, GPay. 
  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com