22-23 FEB. 2025- AGHOR SADHANA SHIVIR FOR PROTECTION, WEALTH & PROSPERITY AT VAJRESHWARI. CALL- 7710812329. Guruji Video Call Consulting fees 5100 (30 Minutes)

  • TIME: 11AM TO 8PM
  • divyayoga.shop@yahoo.com
  • 91 7710812329
  • 91 9029995588

Acupressure jimmy probe

  • Acupressure jimmy silver metal
    тАЛAcupressure jimmy silver is charged by 1100 vastu mantra. It benefits in pressurizing acupressure points on hands by doing su-jok and acupuncture treatment. It gives relaxation...
  • Acupressure jimmy gold metal
    Acupressure jimmy gold is charged by 1201 vastu mantra. Acupressure jimmy is used to find pressure points and pressurizing nerves. By using it for sujok and acupuncture...
  • Acupressure jimmy brass
    тАЛAcupressure brass jimmy is charged by 1001 Vastu mantra. Acupressure jimmy helps for finding acupressure and curative points, by massaging pressure points it benefits...
  • Acupressure brass jimmy-2
    Acupressure brass jimmy-2 is charged by 501 vastu mantra. It helps to stimulate acupressure points and nerves, by massaging pressure points it benefits in improving digestion...
  • Acupressure jimmy (long)
    Acupressure jimmy is energized by 1001 vastu mantra. Acupressure jimmy is useful to find curative points and nerves around body, by massaging or pressurizing acupuncture points...
  • Delivery across Russia
    We will deliver your order by courier throughout India & Abroad by reputed shipping company.
  • Payment online
    Pay for your order by credit card, Debit card, UPI, PayTM, GPay. 
  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com