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Mangal diksha

Buy Mangal diksha

Mangal Diksha or Mars diksha is dedicated to planet Mars. Grah Shanti Mangal diksha frees one from debts poverty and skin concerns. Here is a list of things related to Mangal (Mars). In Vedic Astrology...
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Mangal Diksha or Mars diksha is dedicated to planet Mars. Grah Shanti Mangal diksha frees one from debts poverty and skin concerns. Here is a list of things related to Mangal (Mars). In Vedic Astrology, Mars is also known as Mangal, Angaraka, and Kuja. The Mars is a malefic planet. Nature of Mars is fiery. As a god, Mars is usually explained with a red body exemplifying the natural colour of the astronomical body in the sky. Mangal diksha or Worship of Mars Mangal diksha is completed to appease the planet Mars. Mangal diksha is very useful & advantageous, simply because it strengthens and enhance the optimistic influence and neutralizes the side effects of Mangal. Mangal diksha is suggested for those having malefic Mars or wrongly placed Mars as per the astrology.

Mangal diksha muhurt

  • Day- Tuesday
  • Direction- South

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja