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Buy Mangalik Puja

Kunja Dosha (Manglik Dosha ) is formed when mars (Mangal) is placed within the ascendant, fourth, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart (lagna kundli). Other than lagna kundli if the identical placement of mars (Mangal) occurs in navamansa or Chandra kundli or in all three of them the sick impact of will probably be extra severe...
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Manglik (Kunja) Dosha Puja

Beneficial for relationship and obstacles.

Kunja Dosha (Manglik Dosha ) is formed when mars (Mangal) is placed within the ascendant, fourth, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart (lagna kundli). Other than lagna kundli if the identical placement of mars (Mangal) occurs in navamansa or Chandra kundli or in all three of them the sick impact of will probably be extra severe. Manglik Dosha analysis is of great significance or value in horoscope matching process earlier than marriage. Even when the rating of compatibility points is above common but if there may be unsuitable match from the Manglik point of view, the marriage isn't really useful as critical difficulties might be encountered in marital life.

Evil results of Manglik Dosha

Delay in marriage Conflict in relationship life Deprivation of excellent harmonies life
Distance in marital life.
Loss of life of spouse

Other than these effects in marital life, Manglik Dosha may additionally maintain up many crucial prospects of life.

Couples affected by sturdy Manglik Dosha face hurdles in following facets other than marriage:
disturbance in acquiring training
delay in career/profession
lack of energy, courage and the protective high quality
lack of vitality and confidence
Difficulties in Child birth

Tantra based Kunja Dosha (Manglik Dosha) Shanti Puja by DivyaYogaShop

Kunja Dosha (Manglik Dosha) Shanti Pooja is particularly appropriate beneficial for relationship and obstacles. This ceremony is carried out by expert tantra based pundit as per the prescribed rituals by providing garments and meals, and many others and blessings are sought. After that it is customary to do poor feeding.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

TithiShukla Paksha
Tithi MuhurthTrayodashi, Guru Pushya Nakshatra, Ravi Pushya Nakshatra
Puja Day1 Day, 3 Days
Puja by 1 Pandit, 3 Pandit, 5 Pandit
Puja/Sadhna MuhurthAfter 7am

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  • Manglik Puja

    i m anita 30 yrs old from sangli... m facing many problems...i m unmarried uptill now... since last 3-4 years my marriage is getting cancelled..every time it is not happening for some reasons.. can this Manglik Puja benefit me or solve my problems?or which other puja or anything else do u recommend ??
    Thank You

    May 30, 2014 06:53