Matangi bhojpatra yantra
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Mahavidya Matangi Bhojpatra yantra
beneficial for evils & enemies, stammering, disability to hear.
This Mahavidya Matangi Bhojpatra yantra charged by Maata Matangi mantra. Mahavidya Matangi Bhojpatra yantra is beneficial for...
- Disharmony between husband and spouse
- evils & enemies
- unanticipated events and contingencies
- weak or lack of memory
- obstacles in the way in which of schooling and career
- destroys unhelpfulness
- disability to hear
- stammering
You can keep this Siddha Matangi Bhojpatra Yantra in the office or home (worship place) or Two Matangi Bhojpatra Yantra can buy for office and home.
See puja/sadhana rules and regulation
See- about Diksha
See- Mantra jaap rules