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Shiva Sadhana for fearlessness and power

Buy Shiva Sadhana for fearlessness and power

Lord Shiva is the Lord of all deities as a result of whose grace the whole universe exists. Lord Shiva is also known as Aughad-daani i.e. one who bestows his grace on the Sadhaks and instils into them fearlessness and power....
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Shiva Sadhana for fearlessness and power

On the day of Shiv Raatri one ought to absolutely accomplish the worship of Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva is the Lord of all deities as a result of whose grace the whole universe exists. Lord Shiva is also known as Aughad-daani i.e. one who bestows his grace on the Sadhaks and instils into them fearlessness and power. Lord Shiva is a deity who lives together with his family. He's worshiped along along with his entire family. Included in this divine family are Mother Parvati, Lord Ganesha, Kaartikeya and Nandi , the bull.

Worship of Lord Shiva is completed by the family man for comforts and prosperity in family life, by unmarried young girls for early marriage, by previous and infirm for perfect health, by these underneath some threat for fearlessness and by Yogis and Sanyaasis for spiritual success of the highest order. In different words everybody worships Lord Shiva for fulfillment of respective wishes.

There's none who accomplishes Sadhana of Lord Shiva and whose needs are usually not fulfilled. Lord Shiva remains ever desperate to bestow boons on his devotees. This is why even Gods, Gandharvas, spirits and Apsaras worship him.

Mahaashivaraatri is a special day on which Lord Shiva is worshiped. The first Shivaling originated in the night of Shivaraatri. It was also on this night that Lord Shiva married Goddess Parvati. For this reason the day can also be known as Shiv Gouri Divas. It's pageant of joy. Each particular person, younger or old, man or woman, Yogi or family man ought to worship Lord Shiva on this day. Lord Shiva is easily pleased even by an providing of a tumbler of water. But extra delightful is the worship of the Lord based on the method prescribed by scriptures.

This year Maha Shivaraatri is on 21 February, Wednesday. Each 13th day of each fortnights of the lunar month can also be a special occasion for worshiping Lord Shiva. Monday too is the favorite day of the Lord. One should maintain prepared sweets, water, milk, curd, sugar, ghee, Panchaamrit (mixture of water, milk, curd, sugar, ghee), sandalwood paste & Bel leaves etc. for the worship. For Sadhana on at the present time one should have a Siddhi Pradayak Shivaling, Ekadash Rudra Ratna, Paarvati Kriyamaann, Aananad Saafalya and Siddheshwar Rudraksh rosary.

Sadhana Procedure
Within the night time of Shivaraatri or any month of krashna paksha 13th try this Sadhana with the whole family. Place the Shivaling in a large plate. In other plate place Paarvati Kriyamaann Gutika along with Aanand Saafalya mala. Throughout them place the eleven Mukhi Rudraksha which symbolize the Ekadash Rudras or the 11 forms of Lord Shiva.

Provide vermilion, rice grains, saffron and Panchaamrit on the articles. Make a mark of sandalwood paste and saffron on the Shivaling. To start with propitiate Lord Shiva by chanting the following Aavaahan Mantra -

Om Namaste Rudra Manyav Uto Ta Ishawe Namah. Baahubhyaamut Te Namah.Eh-yehi Goureesh Pinaakapaanni Shashaankmoule-vrishabhaadhiroodd. Devaadhidevesh Mahesh Nityam Grihaann Poojaam Bhagwan Namaste. Aavaahayaami Devesh-maadimdhyaant-varjitaya. Aadhaaram Sarvalokaanaam-aashritaarth Pradaayinam. Om Umaa-maheshwaraabhyaam Namah Aavaahanam Samarpayaami.

Provide rice grains on Lord Shiva. Then place flowers under the Shivaling chanting -

Om Yaate Rudra Shivaatanoor-aghoraa Paapkaashini. Tayaanastannavaa Shantamayaa Giri-shantaabhichaak-sheehi.

Place sweets on a Bel leaf or flower petals and supply to the Lord chanting thus.

Om Tatpurushaay Vidmahe Mahaadevaay Dheemahi Tanno Rudra Prachodayaat.

Provide sandalwood paste chanting thus.

Om Umaamaheshwaraabhyaam Namah Karodwartnaarthem Chandanam Samarpayaami.

Provide betel leaf chanting thus.

Om Namast-aayudhaayaanaatataay Ghrishnnave. Ubhaabhyaamut Te Namo Baahubhyaantav Dhanvane. Om Umaamaheshwaraabhyaam Namah Mukhshuddhayaarthe Taamboolam Samarpayaami.

Offer some money chanting thus.
Om Hirannyagarbhah Samavart-taagre Bhootasya Jaatah Patirek-aaseet. Sadaadhaar Prithiveendhyaamutemaad Kasmei Devaay Havishaa Vidhem. Om Umaamaheshwaraabhyaam Namah Saangataa Siddhayarthe Hirannyagarbh Dakshinnaam Samarpayaaami.

Offer some water chanting -
Om Id (Goom) Havih Prajananme Astu Dashveer (Goom) Sarvagann (Goom) Swastaye. Aatmasani. Prajaasani Pashusani Lokasanyabhayasanih. Agnih Prajaam Bahulaam Me Karotvannam Payo Reto Asmaasu Dhatsa. Om Umaamaheshwaraabhyaam Namah Neeraajanam Darshayaami.

Offer flowers chanting thus.
Om Yagyen Yagyamayajant Devaastaani Dharmaanni Prathamaanyaasan. Teh Naa Kam Mahimaanah Sachant Yatra Poorve Saadhyaah Santi Devaah. Om Raajaadhiraajaay Prasahyasaahine Namo Vayam Veishravannaay Kurmahe Sa Me Kaamaan Kaamkaamaay Mahyam. Kaameshwaro Veishravanno Dadaatu Kuberaay Veishravannaay Mahaaraajaay Namah.
Provide your prayers chanting thus.
Om Namah Shambhavaay Cha Mayobhavaay Cha Namah Shankaraay Cha Mayaskaraay Cha Namah Shivaay Cha Shivataraay Cha. Tav Tatvam Na Jaanaami Keedrishosi Maheshwar. Yaadrishosi Mahaadev Taadrishaay Namo Namah. Trinetraay Namastubhyam Umaadehaardh-dhaarinne. Trishooldhaarinne Tubhyam Bhootaanaampataye Namah. Gangaadhar Namastubhyam Vrishabh-dhwaj Namostu Te. Aashutosh Namastubhyam Bhooyo Bhooyo Namo Namah.

Put some flowers, fragrance, Bel leaves in water and offer to the Lord. Also supply fruit chanting thus .
Anyathaa Sharannam Naasti Tvamev Sharannam Mam. Tasmaat Kaarunnya Bhaaven Raksh Maam Parameshwar. Raksh Raksh Mahaadev Raksh Treilokyarakshak. Bhaktaanaam Abhayankartaa Traataa Bhav Bhavaarnnavaat. Varad Tvam Varam Dehi Vaanchhitam Vaanchhitaarthad. Anen Safalaarghyen Phaladostu Sadaa Mam.
Take water by which milk has been blended in a tumbler and pouring a thin stream on the Shivaling chant
Om Namah Shivaay
for fifteen minutes. Those who know Rudra Ashtaadhyaayi can chant it.

Then pray to Lord Shiva thus.
Gatam Paapam Gatam Dukham Gatam Daaridrayamev Cha. Aagataa Sukh Sampati Punnyaani Tav Darshanaat. Devo Daataa Cha Bhoktaa Cha Devroopmidam Jagat. Devam Japati Sarvatra Yo Devah Sohamev Hi. Saadhuvaasaadhu Vaa Karma Yadhyadaacharitam Mayaa. Tat Sarvam Kripayaa Dev Grihaannaaraadhanam Mam.

After this sing the next Aarti
Karpoor Gouram Karunnaavataram Sansaar Saaram Bhujgendra Haaram. Sadaa Vasantam Hridyaarvrinde Bhavam Bhavaani Sahitam Namaami. Jaya Shiva Om Kaaraa, Bhaj Shiva Om Kaaraa. Brahmaa Vishnnu Sadaashiva Ardhaangi Dhaaraa .1. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Ekaanan Chaturaanan Panchaanan Raje. Hansaanan Garudaasan Vrishvaahan Saaje .2. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Do Bhuj Char Chaturbhuj Dash Bhuj Ati Sohe. Teeno Roop Nirakhataa Tribhuvan Jan Mohe. .3. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Akshmaalaa Vanmaalaa Roondmaalaa Dhaari. Tripurnaath Muraari Karmaalaa Dhaari. .4. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Shwetaambar Peetaambar Baaghaambar Ange. Sankaadik Garudaadik Bhootaadik Sange. .5. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Kar Madhye Ek Mandal Chakra Trishul Dhartaa. Sukhkartaa Dukh-harataaa Sukh Me Shiv Rahataa. .6. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Kaashi Me Vishwanaath Viraaje Nandi Brahmachaari. Nit Utth Jyot Jalaavat Din Din Adhikaari. .7. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Brahmaa Vishnnu Sadaa Shiva Jaanat Avivekaa. Prannavaakshar Ke Madhye Ye Teeno Ekaa. .8. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev ! Trigunn Swaami Kee Aarati Jo Koi Nar Gaave. Jyaaraa Man Shuddh Ho Jaave, Jyaaraa Paap Paraa Jaave, Jyaaraa Sukh Sampati Aave, Jyaaraa Dukh Daaridraya Jaave, Jyaaraa Ghar Lakshmi Aave, Bhannat Bholaanand Swaami, Ratat Shivaanand Swaami Ichhaa Phal Paave. .9. Om Har Har Har Mahaadev !

While singing Aarti of Lord Shiva, move lamp (placed in a plate) in vertical circles clockwise first close to his holy ft 4 instances, then near his navel two instances, then near his face once after which over his total kind seven times. Thus complete fourteen instances move lamp thus. Then take water in a Shankh (conch shell) or copper tumbler and sprinkle it all around with a flower chanting thus.

Om Dhyou (Hoo) Shaantirantariksham (Goom) Shaanti (Hi) Prithivi Shaanti Raap (Ha) Shaantiroshadhaya (Ha) Shaanti (Hi) Vanaspataya (Hi) Shaantirvishvedevaa (Ha) Shaanti (Hi) Brahmaa Shaanti (Hi) Sarva (Goom) Shaanti (Hi) Shaanti Rev Shaanti (Hi) Saa Maa Shaanti Redhi.

After Aarti bow before the Lord. Supply flowers to Lord Shiva, Mother Parvati, Lord Ganesh, Kartikeya and seek their blessings. Next chant thus .
Yaani Kaani Cha Paapaani Gyaataagyaat-kritaani Cha. Taani Sarvaanni Nashyanti Pradakshinnam Pade Pade.

If Shiva Mantra is chanted throughout the night then it proves to be a very divine accomplishment. If this is finished then early morning sing Guru Aarti and Shiva Aarti. Offer water offered on Shivaling in roots of a Peepal (fig) tree.

Let Shivaling and other articles remain in the worship place.

For fulfilment of assorted wishes the following mantras of Lord Shiva will be chanted.

Om Shreem Namah Shivaay Om Shreem. (for wealth)

Om Hreem Gloum Namah Shivaay. (for riddance from problems)

Om Joom Sah Paalay Paalay Sah Joom Om. (for riddance from diseases and for longevity)

Om Hreem Hroum Kaarya Siddhim Namah Shivaay. (for fulfilment of some want)
These will be chanted while pouring a thin stream of water on the Shivaling.

Sadhana articles:

  1. Shiva or Panchakshari yantra
  2. Rudraksha mala
  3. Gutika
  4. Asan
  5. Rakshasutra
  6. Peepal wood

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

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  • shiva sadhana 

    i recieved sadhana samagri. but i want to diksha also.. sanjay... haridwar

    July 19, 2013 16:22