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  • TIME: 11AM TO 8PM
  • divyayoga.shop@yahoo.com
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64 Yogini temple, about 64 Yogini temple

This Chaunsath-Yogini temple was constructed Somvanshi Kings around 900 AD.The diameter of round Yogini temple is 30 feet .There are 64 panels having exquisitely carved beautiful 2-feet high sixty four-Yoginis.That is the only Chaunsath-Yogini temple where the Yoginis are dealing with exterior the temple.There was a statue of lord SHIVA at the centre of the temple which has been smuggled. One other 64-Yogini temple built by Somvanshi Kings is about 200 kms.away in Ranipur-Jharial - few kms from Titalagarh. This temple is located at east financial institution of river Kuakhai . It's 20 kms. from Bhubaneshwara , 8kms. from Uttara Chachak, 3 kms. from Balakati and 1 km. from Rathijema .