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Maha Gauri Maata Bhojpatra yantra

Buy Maha Gauri Maata Bhojpatra yantra

This Maha Gauri Maata Bhojpatra yantra charged by Nav-Durga mantra. Mahagauri is the eight form of Goddess Shakti...
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Maha Gauri Maata Bhojpatra yantra

This Maha Gauri Maata Bhojpatra yantra charged by Nav-Durga mantra. Mahagauri is the eight form of Goddess Shakti. Her color is white. Whiteners is shown by shell, moon etc. Mahagauri means one clear and vivid like a ray of lightning.

That is the type of Deity Parvati when she did penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. It's believed that because of the intense Tapas performed by her without shifting prompted soil and dirt to gather on her body. Lord Shiva cleaned her with water from Ganga that’s why she get whiteners as shine & acquired the name as Maha Gauri.Purity is depicted on this type of Durga.

The Goddess (devi) is in the form of eight-12 months old child with complexion as truthful as a conch, moon and jasmine. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure. She has three eyes and 4 arms. Her right upper hand is in the pose of allaying fear and proper lower hand holds a trident in it. The left upper hand holds a tambourine and the lower one is in the pose of blessing. All sins of devotees are washed away due to her worship. Her power is unfailing and instantly fruitful.

Durga Ashtami Puja is held in lots of components of India. If human worship after quick he/she will get fruits immediately. In entrance of Portrait of Goddess (devi) Mom as in entrance of Parvati maata in Lord Shiva temple one can worship Maa MahaGauri. She appeared within the type of Maa Ambaji, Maa Kalika, Maa Bahucharaji etc.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja