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Laghu Nariyal for security

Buy Laghu Nariyal for security

This Laghu Nariyal charged by Panchmukhi Ganesha mantra. Laghu coconut is the tiniest and the smallest coconut much like the scale of a betel nut. The rare truth about the Laghu coconut is its small size...
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Laghu Nariyal for security

Tantrokta Nariyal

This Laghu Nariyal charged by Panchmukhi Ganesha mantra. Laghu coconut is the tiniest and the smallest coconut much like the scale of a betel nut. The rare truth about the Laghu coconut is its small size. Laghu Nariyal bestows a person with wealth and comforts of life as per our historic scripts. It must be stored in a Locker or in The Puja Ghar wrapped up with a white cloth. It is believed that the Goddess Lakshmi, resides permanently where the Laghu Nariyal is kept. This Nariyal is also known as the Mini Puja Nariyal or Laghu Srifal.The Laghu Nariyal is proven and tested to be efficient as a great luck charm to get all the luxuries of life. It increases the wealth and prosperity of the individual in whose house it's kept. It ought to always be kept in a clean and sacred place of the home. Laghu Nariyal is used to worship the deities on the special events together with a coin and a few sandalwood paste. The place of worship the place this Nariyal is positioned needs to be clear and pure.

The Laghu Nariyal is the most effective and efficient for receiving the blessings of the Gods. This sacred coconut can also be taken as a rare fortunate allure to realize desired goals. To get fast outcomes of this Laghu Nariyal, incense sticks should be lightened in front of the coconut. If Laghu Nariyal is utilized in a proper approach, then this coconut will help an individual to achieve happiness and success in life easily. It should be stored together with all the important Puja elements during any auspicious events held in the house, workplace or temple.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja