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Satyanarayan puja kit

Buy Satyanarayan puja kit

Satyanarayan puja samagri kit is charged by 1001 Satyanarayan mantra. It is beneficial for happinss in life, removing problems and obstacles, family safety, protection...
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    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com

Satyanarayan puja samagri list

Satyanarayan puja samagri kit is charged by 1001 Satyanarayan mantra. It is beneficial for happinss in life, removing problems and obstacles, family safety, protection from enemies, progress in work, promotion, prosperity, positive surroundings and peace in life.

Bhagawan Satyanarayan photo

Satyanarayan katha book

Satyanarayan yantra and puja samagri

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

Who can perform/get sadhana/Puja/DikshaAnybody can do
Wear clothingRed, Orrange, Yellow, White
Puja-Sadhna DirectionNorth
Descriptionshaldi, abir, gulal, rangoli, gandhagoli, agarabatti, dhoop, camphor, shahad, perfume, janeu, supari, akharod, badam, kharik, ralshasutra (mauli), cloth, khan, pancha, coconut, stone sugar,prasad dona.
Weight250 gram