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Purush Sukta havan for child and pregnancy

Buy Purush Sukta havan for child and pregnancy

Purusha Sukta havan is carried out for the purpose of removing the problems during pregnancy or for removing...
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पुत्र प्राप्ति के लिये पुरुष सूक्त हवन

Purusha Sukta havan is carried out for the purpose of removing the problems during pregnancy or for removing the obstacles in progeny. If there is a delay in progeny when various complication arises, this puja is performed for getting rid of the negativity. Purusha Sukta Puja is performed for healthy and intelligent children. This puja is conducted by your name on your behalf, to beget a child. Those who are expecting, shall also perform this puja for healthful & intellectual child.

Purusha Sukta havan is dedicated to Lord Mahavishnu. None other than Lord Maha Vishnu himself bestowed understanding of this havan on Sanatkumara, who in turn instructed this to sage Bodhayana. It is usually stated in the Suta Samhita:

Putrapradam Aputraanaam Jayadam Jayakaaminaam Bhuktidam Bhuktikaamaanaam Mokshadam Moksha Kaaminaam

पुत्रपदम् अपुत्रनाम् जयदं जयकामिनां भुक्तिदं भुक्तिकामानां मोक्षदं मोक्ष कामिनां

This means that those who wish progeny, success in endeavors, worldly enjoyment and the ultimate liberation shall attain it by performing this Puja. It is said that one attains this human being birth by performing meritorious deeds in the past lives. In order to continue the lineage of ours it is important that we be blessed with healthy descendants. The havan is said to be equivalent to the Putra kameshti yagna narrated in the Ramayana in providing healthful progeny to the performer.

The Sanatanagopala havan is performed when there are obstacles or delay in progeny and many complications arise during being pregnant. Certainly performed for couples who wish to beget a child. Those who are expecting may also perform this puja for healthy and intellectual children.This is certainly one of the vital approved havan for progeny.

During this havan Lord Vishnu in the form of Gopala Krishna is worshiped with tulsi leaves. First the recitals of the Purusha Sooktam is done. The Purusha Sookta is the Vedic mantra of Lord Vishnu and recited in most havan s. Finally this is followed by the recitation of the Santana Gopala moola mantra and the havan . This havan is a exceedingly successful for all those getting troubles conceiving and desire children. Those with children perform it for all round progress and benefit of kids.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

Tithi MuhurthShukl Paksha Ekadashi
Puja/Sadhna1 Day, 3 Days
Priest (Pandit)1 Pandit
Puja time muhurthAfter 6pm
Puja/Sadhana MuhurthMonday, Thursday