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Gauri-Shankar Sadhana for Happy married life

Buy Gauri-Shankar Sadhana for Happy married life

Uma (Goddesss Parvati the consort of Lord Shiva) and Lord Shiva puja are thought-about to be the right match i.e. Shiv and Shakti. This Sadhanais considered to be finest for marital happiness...
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Gauri-Shankar Sadhana for Happy married life

Uma (Goddesss Parvati the consort of Lord Shiva) and Lord Shiva puja are thought-about to be the right match i.e. Shiv and Shakti. This Sadhanais considered to be finest for marital happiness. If there's any discord in the relationship, all are resolved by Gauri Shanker Sadhna. Lord Shiva represents the aspect of the Supreme Being and is considered to be the destroyer of evil and sorrow. Shiva is 'tri netra' or three eyed, and is 'neela kantha' - blue necked. Shiva - Nataraja is the Divine Cosmic Dancer. Shiva - Ardhanareeswara is each man and woman. Shiva is both static and dynamic and is each creator and destroyer. He is the source of fertility in all living beings. He has gentle in addition to fierce forms. Lord Shiva is the Lord of mercy and compassion. He protects devotees from evil forces resembling lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, bestows grace and awakens wisdom in His devotees. Shiva is inseparable from Shakti - Parvati the daughter of Himavaan - Haimavati. There is no Shiva with out Shakti and no Shakti with out Shiva, the two are one - or the absolute state of being - consciousness and bliss.

Performing Day : On Holi or Any Friday
Time : 4am to 6.30

Requirements : Siddha Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, Siddha Blue Hakik Rosary, Siddha Rudraksh Rosary, Yellow cloth or mat, Rice, Incense, Vermillon, Wooden table, Some fruits, Oil lamp, Ganga water.

Gauri Shankar Sadhana Process

Gauri Shanker Sadhna ritual shall be performed on any Friday morning (4am to 6am).

One ought to take a shower and put on clear yellow clothes.

Sit on a yellow mat or cloth going through North.

Cover a wood seat with lemon yellow material and put the Ganesha picture or idol (if accessible) and Gauri Shanker Rudraksh on it.

Take a metal plate and draw a Swastik with Vermillon.

Lite the lamp and incense
Provide yellow flowers vermilion, rice grains on the idol and Gauri Shanker Rudraksh.

Take water in the correct palm and pledge - I (speak your name) am doing this Sadhana for Marital Bliss and lord I'm completely depending on you and imagine you.
Let the water flow to the floor.

Offer prayers to Lord Ganpati by chanting undermentioned Mantra, 1 rosaries with Rudraksh Rosary.
Om Ganeshaye Namah " ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Supply Flowers and put Blue Hakik Rosary on Gauri shanker Rudraksh.

Offer prayers to Lord Shiva and Maata Parvati by chanting under mentioned Mantra, 1 rosary with Rudraksh Rosary.

Om Bhavani Gaurie Pati Sukh Saubhagyam Dehi Dehi Shiv Shaktiyee Namah "

ॐ भवानी गौरी पती सुख सौभाग्यं देहि देहि शिव शक्तिये नमः

Do that for 10 consecutive days. After Sadhana place Gauri shanker Rudraksh in your house of worship.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja