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Shani sadhana for sade-sati

Buy Shani sadhana for sade-sati

Sadesati Nivaran Sadhna must be practiced for 8 Saturdays in the row. The Shani Sadhna will be practiced by the affected individual or anybody else on him. This Shani Sadhna can be helpful to people..
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Shani Sadhna

This is often a treatment to negate the in poor health effects of Sade Sati; the dreaded transit of Saturn in the Kundli. This Sadhna includes using a Shani Mantra. This Sadesati Nivaran Sadhna must be practiced for 8 Saturdays in the row. The Shani Sadhna will be practiced by the affected individual or anybody else on him. This Shani Sadhna can be helpful to people who apply such paranormal treatments to assist a person who're affected by this malefic transit.

Shani Sadhna articles for Sade Sati

  • Siddha Shani yantra
  • Siddha Shani mala
  • Siddha Shani Gutika
  • Siddha Black asan for shani yantra
  • Rakshasutra
  • Holy threads
  • Shani sadhana mantra
  • Shani sadhana methods for removing sade-sati
  • Siddha Black Dhoti for sadhak

Shani Sadhna muhurt for Sade Sati

  • Day- Holi, Amavasya, Shivaratri, Ravi pushya nakshatra or any Saturday, Shani jayanti.
  • Time- after 7pm
  • Direction- south
  • Mantra chanting- 7 rosary
  • Duration- 8 Saturday

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

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  • Shani Sade Sati Effect 

    I have been facing many problems and obstacles in my life from around 2-3 years but didnt understood the reason behind it. Recently I got to know that i m struggling due to Sade sati effect and my Planet shani is weak.. So will this sadhana eliminate the problems and make my life struggle free??

    October 26, 2015 13:42