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Lama Sadhana for riddance from problems

Buy Lama Sadhana for riddance from problems

Court docket circumstances, enemies, quarrels in family, issues at job, disputes with neighbors and plenty of different such problems in life will be easily remedied by the technique...
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Lama Sadhana for riddance from problems

Court docket circumstances, enemies, quarrels in family, issues at job, disputes with neighbors and plenty of different such problems in life will be easily remedied by the technique of the following ritual which removes all fears and obstacles from the path of life.

At night sit alone going through the South and place earlier than yourself a Sarvaah and Laghu nariyal in a copper plate. Converse out your problem. Gentle an oil lamp and chant thus 108 times.

| Taayatyaa Om Bhekhand Je Mahaa Bhekhand Je Randejaa Saamyugaante Sohaa |

तायत्या ॐ भेखन्ड जे महा भेखन्ड जे रन्डेजा सामयुगांटे सोहा

Next day drop Sravaah in a river.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja