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Atma Sadhana for Moksha

Buy Atma Sadhana for Moksha

Today even the trendy scientists have accepted the fact that each human being is surrounded by an aura much like the radiance around the faces of Lord Ram, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus, as is seen depicted of their pictures...
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Astma Sadhana for Moksha

Today even the trendy scientists have accepted the fact that each human being is surrounded by an aura much like the radiance around the faces of Lord Ram, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus, as is seen depicted of their pictures. And every human being can attain the capabilities of viewing his personal and different folks’s aura and also enhance the radiance around his physique via varied methods like Yoga, Sadhana and meditation.

This text reveals secret facts on this fascinating and fascinating subject.

The ancient Indian sages and seers who were great exponents of spiritualism and the natural sciences believed that aside from the apparent bodily kind, a human has six more forms or our bodies or Sharirs as they called them. Thus the mixture of the seven bodies makes an entire human form. However sadly we are solely capable of see and really feel the presence of the outer bodily physique and even our minds are usually not able to penetrate into the deeper realms.

Knowledge of existence of aura around the human our bodies was current even thousands of years ago and a radiance is shown to emanate from the our bodies of nice saints of India, Greece, Rome and Egypt in their pictures. In India photos of Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir and Nanak are even right this moment drawn with a brilliant halo around their faces.

This aura in reality costs the entire body with life and activity. But to know more about it, to know its intricacies, it's first necessary to know in regards to the six different bodies. The seven bodies or Sharirs are as follows.

1. Sthul Sharir - It has a strong form and is the outer bodily body. It's known as Annamay Kosh or a receptacle of food. In simple phrases it is the obvious body possessed by all animals, birds and humans.

2. Praann Sharir - Praann means life and it is a bit more vital than the Sthul Sharir as it provides the Sthul Sharir with power and life. It is usually known as the Praannmay Kosh or the reservoir of life energy. This body acts as a hyperlink between the physical body and the other five bodies. One can see the other five bodies only by way of the help of this Praann Sharir.

3. Kaam Sharir - Additionally it is referred to as the Manomay Kosh or the reservoir of passions, ideas and intelligence and with its help a person can create another physique similar to his own. Additionally it is known as Pashu Sharir or the animal body. It is by it that the sexual passions are aroused in a human and thus he experiences vigour, enthusiasm and zeal in life.

4. Sukshma Man Sharir -It is part of the Kaam Sharir however by it the mind and intelligence could be sharpened and a person can develop cleverness, and a capability to understand the intricacies of a subject.

5. Uchch Man Sharir - That is the first part of what constitutes the divine body. It is known as the Vigyaanmay Kosh or the receptacle of all true sciences. By way of it a human being can elevate his life spiritually, achieve totality and develop into Godlike. But when it isn't managed then the end result could also be fairly reverse, leading to obstinacy and vanity. Hence nice discipline is needed when one enters this physique so as to stop misuse of its powers.

6. Buddhi Sharir - It is also called the Nirvaan Sharir. Nirvaan means salvation, therefore on realisation of this kind a human being is ready to free himself from the clutches of the physical or Sthul Sharir and is able to fuse with the soul. It's called Aanandmay Kosh or the reservoir of divine pleasure and happiness. And on being able to enter this body a human being is ready to look into and realise his Soul.

7. Aatma Sharir - It's also referred to as Aatmaa or the Immortal Soul. It is a fully subtle body in itself. On realisation of this state a person attains divinity and the aura around his face turns into even more radiant and distinct so that everybody is able to understand it.

When a human being realises and enters all these our bodies from Sthul Sharir to the Aatma Sharir, by following the instructions of his Guru, he attains varied miraculous capabilities. He becomes able to flying to anyplace he needs, creating as many Sthul Sharirs as he needs and even viewing occasions taking place 1000's of miles away and participating in them remaining where he is.

The Divine Aura
The aura of the Aatma Sharir or the Soul appears just like the corona seen around the Sun throughout a solar eclipse. It engulfs your complete physique and such a radiance seems across the face, that it lights up the countenance with an empyrean bliss.

As stated earlier than this aura is current not solely around Gods, Goddesses and nice saints but additionally around each human being. Usually it cannot be seen as it is not so vivid and apparent. But when a person needs he can see the aura around any person and around his own face by undertaking Sadhana. This aura is known as Aabhaa Mandal or Prabhaa Mandal in Hindi and Lord Mahavir called it has referred to as it Leshya.

In accordance with the Indian sages as well as western scientists many info can be revealed by seeing an individual’s aura.

By way of the aura past of the individual becomes crystal clear. Thus character of the person and his mode of dwelling might be known easily.

Just as one can know about the previous of an individual by viewing his aura, similarly future events of his life may also be identified beforehand, for the current state of one’s aura shall reveal what the future has in store for the individual.

By means of the medium of an individual’s aura his nature might be changed. It's because the aura of a person may be altered. A person can change his personal or another person’s aura and thus a poor man can change into rich, a dull headed particular person can develop into clever and one may even turn into an ideal man with an woke up soul.

The aura can have seven colours. An individual who is still within the Sthul Sharir has a green aura, the aura of Prann Sharir is pink colored, Kaam Sharir aura is yellow colored, aura of Sukshma Sharir is a mixture of yellow and green colours, Uchch Man Sharir aura is silver coloured, the aura of Buddhi Sharir is blue and that of Aatma Sharir is golden.

Six months before the demise of an individual his aura turns into boring and blackish in colour. Thus one can know that this particular individual is near his death.

The aura of a characterless person is cloudy and pale yellowish. Equally the aura round a cunning and deceitful particular person is smoky and pale.

Through control over his aura an individual can create as many physical kinds as he likes. And as the aura has no bulk or weight, it can travel at an ideal pace, hence by it an individual can even view events occurring thousands of miles away. He also can look into the long run and may thus prevent main disasters or accidents.

The aura keeps altering in response to the kind of thoughts being entertained by a person. The modifications which happen in our physical body or Sthul Sharir already had their effect on the inside physique or Sukshma Sharir fairly some time ago. Thus any illness or ailment will be forecast even three months earlier than as the ill results would already have influenced the aura.

By carrying out this Sadhana the individual can see a toddler and its aura when it's nonetheless within the mom’s womb. He can make aura of the child brighter & luminous and thus bestow tremendous conscience in the child. The child on receiving such energy goes on to develop into an intelligent and genius particular person - a scientist, mathematician, physician or engineer i.e. unique in any field he enters.

A person can develop into a Siddh and spiritually elevated by growing the capability to see one's own aura. Such a Sadhana known as Aatma Sadhana. And by this process auras of hundreds of individuals could be altered for their benefit.

In this Sadhana Aatma Maha Yantra is of utmost importance. A particular rosary known as Cheitanya Mala must be used. Within the morning place the Yantra before yourself and taking a look at it without blinking your eyes begin chanting the following Aatma Mantra.

Om Ayeim Brahmaand Chakshurtejase Namah.

ॐ ऐं ब्रम्हांड चक्षुतेजसे नमः

Daily chant 21 rounds of this Mantra. Earlier than commencing the Sadhana free your thoughts of all destructive thoughts, fears, doubts, hesitations, anxieties and frustrations. Solely then begin the Sadhana. Focus fully and utterly on the Yantra with out worrying about something else.

After a apply of 15 days it is best to start wanting casually at the face of some person. Do not stare or look into his eyes. Simply look at his face from the pinnacle to his neck, as this is the area the place the aura is strongest. Then look at the air two to seven inches above and round his head. The enveloping air will seem colored like a rainbow.

Repeatedly keep practising on the Yantra as above and keep experimenting your capabilities on numerous people. Whenever you develop into capable of viewing the aura surrounding others’ our bodies, their pasts and futures shall mechanically become clear to you.

At first chances are you'll understand only a faint aura but with follow you shall be capable of distinctly see the total aura of an individual, and even adjustments happening in it.

By this Sadhana an individual also can make his aura extra radiant and distinct. He can attain religious upliftment and gain wonderful capabilities like travelling from one place to a different in only a single moment. He can even see any occasion taking place wherever, anytime and might grow to be a distinguished and unique individual in the society.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

Who can perform/get sadhana/Puja/DikshaMale above 18 years, Female above 18 years
Wear clothingRed, Orrange, Yellow
Puja-Sadhna DirectionEast, West
Tithi MuhurthKrishna Paksha Tryodashi, Purnima, Shukl Paksha Ekadashi
Puja time muhurthAfter 4am
Puja/Sadhana MuhurthMonday, Tuesday, Guru Pushya Nakshatra, Ravi Pushya Nakshatra, Chandra Grahan, Surya Grahan