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Khojagiri (Ashiwin) Purnima Pujan

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Divyayogashop provide Lakshmi pujan service on this day (Khojagiri Purnima) for wealth and prosperity...
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Khojagiri Purnima Pujan

(Ashwin purnima/Sharad purnima puja/Kojagari/ Kaumudi )

On the complete moon day of Ashwin (September-October) the Kojagiri feast is effectively known. The rainy season is over and the brightness of the total moon brings particular joy. This is a conventional celebration of the moon and can be referred to as the Kaumudi celebration, Kaumudi that means moonlight.

At night time mata Laxmi is worshiped. Some folks consider that on this night time Laxmi moves about from place to put asking, "Who's awake?" ("Kojagiri?") and shows her pleasure on these she finds awake. So folks sit in the moonlight singing songs, or keep themselves entertained in another way. They fast from solid meals and take solely fluids similar to coconut water or milk. Milk is boiled until it thickens, and milk masala (a ready made mixture of dry fruits) is added to it and drunk.

Divyayogashop provide Lakshmi pujan service on this day (Khojagiri Purnima) for wealth and prosperity and for removing all kind of debt.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja