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Dakshinmurti shiva puja

Buy Dakshinmurti shiva puja

Dakshinamoorty Shiva tantra based Pujan will give the blessing for the students going for higher education and research work. Dakshinamoorty Shiva..
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Dakshinamurty Shiva Pujan for student

Dakshinamoorty Shiva tantra based Pujan will give the blessing for the students going for higher education and research work. Dakshinamoorty Shiva represents one of the best form of vedantic teaching. Dakshinamoorty Pujan is extremely suggested for research scholars i.e. Applicants who have to appear before doctorate exams for their PhD. Also it encourages students for higher education and triumphs over the obstacles and disturbance of their mind which helps prevent them to be able to go for higher studies.

Dakshinamurty Shiva Puja benefits

  • To get superior skills and peace.
  • To start a journey for better education or a new course in school/college/university.
  • To improve memory power.
  • To be successful in examination.
  • To get rid of some other blockage coming through the way of education and career.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja