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Buy Shashthi puja

Mata Shashthi is a feminine deity propitiated for the health of the new born baby and the mother. This Hindu deity is worshiped ..
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Shashthi Devi puja for child protection

Shashthi devi- goddess of children. She is wife of Skanda (Kartikeya), protect the children, give them a long life.

Mata Shashthi is a feminine deity propitiated for the health of the new born baby and the mother. This Hindu deity is worshiped on the 6th day and thus she is called Sashti Devi or Mata Shasti. The favored perception is that this Deity injures new born baby and mothers on 6th day after their mother.

Sasti is the Hindu name for the 6th day of the lunar fortnight. Mata Sashti is propitiated on the 6th day by devotees in particular by mothers of new born infants and her associates, neighbors and relations.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

TithiShukla Paksha, Krishna Paksha
Tithi MuhurthShashthi
Puja Day1 Day
Puja by 1 Pandit, 3 Pandit, 5 Pandit
Puja/Sadhna MuhurthAfter 9am