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Goverdhan meru pujan

Buy Goverdhan meru pujan

On fourth day of deepawali goverdhan parvat pujan is done. Goverdhan is the manifestation of lord krishna who lifted this parvat to save the people from the wrath of Indra devta.
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Goverdhan meru puja

On fourth day of deepawali goverdhan parvat pujan is done. Goverdhan is the manifestation of lord krishna who lifted this parvat to save the people from the wrath of Indra devta. Cow dung hillocks are made on this day, which signify the Mount Govardhan. Cow dung/manure is known as go-var in which go means cow and var means blessing. On goverdhan day mounds of cow dung are made representing mountain or parvat and its puja is done. The parvat puja also denotes vajra poojnam. Goverdhan pujan highlights the importance of spiritual ecosystem which is require for the day for us to live in harmony with ourselves, nature and the revered.

Advantages and benefits of govardhan meru or parvat pujan on govardhan pujan

  • To increase the positive outcome of vajra yog in kundli and reduce its negatives
  • With this pujan advantage of Gau mukh plots are enhanced manyfold
  • This pujan is one of best healing for vaastu related doshas of plots i.e housing, place of work or farm etc.
  • Helps make individual brave and spirited.
  • To shield individuals from natural disasters
  • People keeping Meru shree yantra have to do this pujan

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja