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Buy Annakut puja

On fourth day of diwali Annakoot pooja is completed. Food hillocks are made on this day, which represent the Mount Govardhan..
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Anakut pujan

On fourth day of diwali Annakoot pooja is completed. Food hillocks are made on this day, which represent the Mount Govardhan. On goverdhan day mounds of food items are made representing mountain or parvat and its pooja is done. Therefore the day also got the name – Annakut – 'Anna' meaning food and 'kut', mountain. The ann parvat pooja also denotes annapoorna poojanam.

Individuals offer variety of food ceremoniously raised in the form of a mountain to their favorite deity. Innumerable varieties in most cases 56 (chappan bhog) or 108 of food and delicious sweets are made and provided to Lord (bhagawan) vishnu. In some of the temple (mandir) 'annakoot' going on this day continues for the whole month of Kartik. This Day is also called kartik padwa. People hope each other for a peaceful and happy year.

Advantages and benefits of Annakut puja

  • gets rid of poor standards of living and mitigates sufferings
  • individual is never deprived of food and grains
  • Accumulation of knowledge, erudition or enlightenment
  • manifests truth and effectiveness

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja