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Guru Dosha Puja

Buy Guru Dosha Puja

Brihaspati or Guru Pooja is devoted to planet (graha) Jupiter (guru). Grah Shanti Guru Puja (Worship of Jupiter) is advisable to these, having malefic guru or wrongly positioned Jupiter as per the astrology. Here is record comprising a couple of issues associated with Guru / Brihaspati...
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Guru Puja

Brihaspati or Guru Pooja is devoted to planet (graha) Jupiter (guru). Grah Shanti Guru Puja (Worship of Jupiter) is advisable to these, having malefic guru or wrongly positioned Jupiter as per the astrology. Here is record comprising a couple of issues associated with Guru / Brihaspati.

In Vedic horoscope predictions, the planet Jupiter is known as Guru, Brihaspati and Devagura. Jupiter is a benefice planet and thought of to be the most auspicious, useful, generous and beneficent of the planets. Guru represents sacred scripture, knowledge, kindness and philosophy. Nature of Brihaspati is watery.

Guru Pooja / Brahaspati Puja / Worship of Jupiter (guru)
Worship of Jupiter (guru) leads to progeny, good schooling, valor, longevity of life and restoration from physical illness. Brihaspati Puja could be began from any Thursday. It's advisable to wear yellow clothes on such day. Chant the following Guru mantra facing north-east, to cut back the unwell results of the bothered Jupiter in one's delivery chart.

Brihaspati / Guru - Its Meaning
Jupiter is a good indicator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion, spirituality, morality, meditation, children, magistrates, ministers, attorneys and leaders in authorities and religion. Afflictions to Guru or Brihaspati could cause frail nerves, pores and skin issues, arthritis, coronary heart troubles, impurity of the blood and enhance of sexual urges, worrying and uneasiness of mind. Guru is the grah of destiny, favor and prosperity.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

TithiShukla Paksha
Tithi MuhurthEkadashi, Purnima
Puja Day1 Day
Puja by 1 Pandit, 3 Pandit, 5 Pandit
Puja/Sadhna MuhurthAfter 8am