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Mata nav durga puja

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Navratri puja is most popular Indian festival during which Nav Durga Worship is done in every home. Nav Durga Worship...
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Mata nav durga - navratri puja

Navratri puja is most popular Indian festival during which Nav Durga Worship is done in every home. Nav Durga Worship is worship of 9 types of Durga.
These Nav Durga are nine divine female forces. They creates (srishti), preserve (Sthiti) and destroys (Sanhar) the creation. These Nav Durga are, Shailputri, Brahmcharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandmata, Katyayani, Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri. Nav Durga Worship throughout Navratri may be very easy. First, you need to know which Nav Durga is related to which day of Navratri. Right here is a listing of Nav Durga related to specific day (tithi) of Navratri :

1st day of Navratri : Shailputri.

2nd Day of Navratri : Brahmcharini.

3rd Day of Navratri : Chandraghanta.

4th Day of Navratri : Kushmanda.

5th Day of Navratri : Skandmata.

6th Day of Navratri : Katyayani.

7th Day of Navratri : Kalratri.

8th Day of Navratri : Mahagauri.

9th Day of Navratri : Siddhidatri.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja