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Laddu Gopal jhoola

Buy Laddu Gopal jhoola

This Laddu Gopal jhoola is charged by Gopal mantra. An extremely attractive White Metal lord Krishna Jhula. On the day of krishna..
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This Laddu Gopal jhoola is charged by Gopal mantra. An extremely attractive White Metal lord Krishna Jhula. On the day of krishna Janmashtami one who swings the cradle of Nandlala gets all the worldly pleasures and in the end attains vaikunth. Such a swinging of baal gopal in his cradle creates the chances of family enhancement. It gives a divine child. It is also supposed that lord Narayan himself blesses such devotees with the pacification of their pitra doshas.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja