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Shani diksha

Buy Shani diksha

Shani Diksha is completed to appease planet Saturn. Shani Diksha (Diksha of Saturn) is probe for psychological calm also to do away with a range of illnesses. Next things are related to Shani (Saturn). In Vedic indian astrology...
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Shani (Saturn) Diksha

Shani Diksha is completed to appease planet Saturn. Shani Diksha (Diksha of Saturn) is probe for psychological calm also to do away with a range of illnesses. Next things are related to Shani (Saturn). In Vedic indian astrology, the planet Saturn known as Shanaishwara. Saturn is considered thin God (bhagwan) with long body type, large teeth and yellowish-brown eyes. Shani is lazy and lame. The temperament or nature of Shani is airy. Saturn is recognized as a malefic graha. It's thought that Shani makes a person, a emperor or a homeless person based on the native's deeds (karmas).

Diksha Of Saturn Shani Puja or worship of Saturn mitigates the struggles you will need to face throughout terrible period. Shani Diksha can also be suggested people who've Saade Sati of Shani of their kundli.

Shani diksha muhurt

  • Day- Saturday
  • Direction- West

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja