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Brahma Diksha

Buy Brahma Diksha

Lord (bhagawan) Brahma is part of the Hindu trinity (trideva), which includes Lord (bhagawan) Vishnu and Lord (bhagawan)..
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Bramha Diksha for atmashakshatkar

Lord (bhagawan) Brahma is part of the Hindu trinity (trideva), which includes Lord (bhagawan) Vishnu and Lord (bhagawan) Shiva. Brahma, the never-ending, the availability of all space, time, causation, names and kinds, has lots of attention-grabbing and informative designations. Theologically, he is the one letter (eka aksharam) AUM, and in addition the uncreated creator (svayambhu), the self-born 1st individual. Philosophically, he is the first manifestation of 1's existence (ahankara). Cosmologically,he's hiranya garbha (golden embryo), the ball of fireside, from which the universe develops. He is Prajapati, since all creatures are his children. He is pitamaha (patriarch), vidhi (ordinator), Iokesha (grasp of the universe), dhatru (sustainer) and Viswakarma (architect across the globe). Mythology describes Brahma as springing from Kamala (lotus), from the nabhi (navel) of Vishnu. Therefore, his names Nabhija (navel born), Kanja (water born). His wife Saraswati manifested from him and each one creatures across the globe resulted from their union.

Bramha diksha:- Beneficial for salvation.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja

Diksha muhurthMonday, Sunday, Chandra Grahan, Surya Grahan, Guru Pushya, Ravi Pushya
Who can perform/get sadhana/Puja/DikshaAnybody can do
Wear clothingRed, Orrange, Yellow, White