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Eleven mukhi nepali rudraksha


Buy Eleven mukhi nepali rudraksha

This Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha charged by Rudra mantra. Wearing it one gets success in every work he/she do. Wearing of Eleven faces is achieved by the family individual for comforts and prosperity in family life, by unmarried for early marriage, by previous and infirm for excellent health, by those underneath some menace for fearlessness and by Yogis and Sanyaasis for spiritual success of the best order...
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Eleven faced Rudraksha

Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha

This Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha charged by Rudra mantra. Wearing it one gets success in every work he/she do. Wearing of Eleven faces is achieved by the family individual for comforts and prosperity in family life, by unmarried for early marriage, by previous and infirm for excellent health, by those underneath some menace for fearlessness and by Yogis and Sanyaasis for spiritual success of the best order. In other words everybody gets success of their respective wishes. Good for ailments like continual body ache, backache, alcoholism, and liver.

See puja/sadhana rules and regulation

See- about Diksha

See- success rules of sadhana

See- Mantra jaap rules

See- Protect yourself during sadhana/puja