Tagged “guru purnima”

 July 4, 2017 

गुरु पूर्णिमा- सफलता के लिये इस दिन को कभी न भूले!

संपूर्ण भारत मे यहा तक कि विदेश मे भी सभी भारतीय गुरु पूर्णिमा का त्योहार पूर्ण श्रद्धा व विश्वास के साथ मनाते है। इस त्योहार को आषाढ़ के शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाता है. यह त्योहार कभी जुलाई या कभी आगस्ट महीने मे आता है. इस दिन को गुरु पूर्णिमा या व्यास पूर्णिमा कहा जाता है. इस दिन महर्षि वेद व्यास का भी पूजा का विधान है. उन्हे सद्गुरु या आदि गुरु के रूप मे माना जाता है. क्योकि वेद का ज्ञान उन्होने ही विश्व को दिया.

प्राचीन समय मे जब कोई शिष्य से शिक्षा ग्रहण करता था तो इस दिन श्रद्धा भाव से प्रेरित होकर शिष्य गुरु पूजन कर अपनी सामर्थ्य अनुसार दक्षिणा देकर कृपा प्राप्त करता था. गुरु की स्मृति हमारे मन मंदिर में हमेशा ताजा बनाए रखने के लिए इस दिन अपने गुरुओं को व्यासजी का अंश मानकर तथा अपने उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए गुरु का आशीर्वाद जरूर ग्रहण करना चाहिए

आईये जानते कि गुरु पूर्णिमा के दिन क्या करना चाहिये...

  • इस दिन ढीले-ढाले वस्त्र पहनकर कम से कम एक माला यानी १०८ बार गुरु मंत्र (ॐ गुं गुरुभ्योः नमः) का जाप अवश्य जपना चाहिये.
  • इस दिन अपने माता-पिता या अपने से बडे -बुजुर्गो का आशिर्वाद अवश्य लेना चाहिये.
  • इस अपने गुरु का आशिर्वाद अवश्य लेना चाहिये.
  • किसी कारण से गुरु के पास नही जा सके तो फोन द्वारा अशिर्वाद अवश्य लेना चाहिये...
  • इस दिन अपने गुरु के नाम से किसी भूखे को भोजन करवाना चाहिये.
  • इस दिन गुरु या उनके चित्र की पूजा कर दक्षिणा अवश्य देनी चाहिये.
  • व्यास जी और अपने गुरु का नाम अवश्य लेकर ही जाप करे.
  • अध्यात्मिक किताबे अवश्य पढे
  • परिवार के साथ शिव मंदिर या किसी भी मंदिर मे दर्शन अवश्य करे.
  • इस दिन गुरु से कोई न कोई दिक्षा अवश्य ले.
  • जो साधक है वे इस कोई साधना अवश्य करे
  • घर मे कोई नई वस्तु ला रहे है तो गुरु से आशिर्वाद लेकर लाये.
  • गुरु से आशिर्वाद लेकर ही नये घर या गाडी का रजिस्ट्रशन करे.
  • इस दिन कोई भी नया कार्य गुरु से आशिर्वाद लेकर ही करे.
  • इस दिन गुरु का आशीर्वाद सभी-छोटे-बड़े तथा हर विद्यार्थी के लिए कल्याणकारी ज्ञानवर्द्धक होता है।
  • इस दिन वातावरण पॉजीटिव तरंगे बहती है, इसलिये बडे-बुजुर्ग से, माता-पिता से या गुरु से मिलने वाला आशिर्वाद १० गुना ज्यादा असर दिखाता है.
  • जो साधक है वे लक्ष्मी साधना, सरस्वती साधना, कुबेर साधना या उच्च कटी की महाविद्या साधना को संपन्न करना चाहिये.
  • इस दिन कोई भी अध्यात्मिक वस्तु जैसे यंत्र, माला अवश्य खरीदनी चाहिये

 July 10, 2016 

Guru Purnima, which falls on 19th July 2016, is the most auspicious day of the year; as it comes only once in a year. This day is filled with Happiness & Positive Vibes.

Guru Purnima is the day devoted to our Guru/Teacher. So you must take the blessings from your Guru on this day.

You should necessarily attain diksha/sadhana/puja from your Guru this day as it's effect get maximised by 10X times..

You can visit any temple with your family and worship the god. One must always think of positive things, happiness even of their enemies if any & should pray to god for success, fortune, good health & prosperity.

Guru Purnima yoga is deemed very auspicious for the following events:

    • Get any diksha.
    • Perform any sadhana.
    • Perform any puja/ anushthan/homam.

    1. On this day, visit nearby Lakshmi Temple and put a paper written with "REEM" 11 times on feet of mata Lakshmi for fulfilment of wishes.

    2. Chant "om reem shree mahalakshmeya namaha" for success in wealth.

    3. Chant "om kleem kleem paatu shreem raksha kuru kuru shreem namaha" for debt problems.

    4. If suffering from negativity or evil energy, Chant this mantra-

    || OM shreem kleem aing kreem hum fatt ||

    Chant these above mantra's 324 times (3 MALA).



    19th july 2016 at Dahisar

    Call 8652439844


 July 16, 2015 

Guru Purnima

31 July 2015

Hindus attach supreme significance to religious teachers. Gurus (spiritual teachers) tend to be associated with God (bhagwan) and constantly looked at as a link between the person plus the Immortal. Just like the moon shines by showing the light of the sun (surya), and glorifies it, all followers can dazzle such as moon by gaining from their Gurus.

What exactly is Guru Purnima?

The complete moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as the fortunate day of Guru Purnima, a day revered to the memory of the grand sage Maharshi Veda Vyasa.

Every Hindus are grateful to the historical saint who modified the 4 Vedas, wrote the eighteen Puranas, Mahabharata plus the Srimad Bhagavatam. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who's considered the Guru of Gurus.

Meaning of Guru Purnima

On this day, all religious applicants and followers worship Vyasa honoring his divine personage and all followers perform 'puja/sadhana' of their respected religious preceptor or 'Gurudevs'.

This present day is of deep implication to the farmers, for it heralds the establishing of the much-needed rains, since the advent of cool showers usher in fresh life in the fields. It's a great time to start your religious education. Conventionally, religious finders will make stronger their spiritual 'sadhana/puja/Mantra chanting' from this day.

The period 'Chaturmas' ("four months") starts from this day. During the past, wandering religious gurus and their followers used to cool down at a place to study and discussion in the Brahma Sutras composed by Vyasa, and have interaction them selves in Vedantic debate.

The Role of the (Guru) Religious teacher
Shivanand Das ji says: "Do you understand there are holy implication and the great significance of the Guru's role in the structuring of man? It wasn't with no the India of the past watchfully tended and kept alive the lamp of Guru-Tattva. For this reason it is not without cause that India, time after time, era after age, celebrates anew this olden concise explanation the Guru, loves it and pays reverence to it regularly, and thus re-affirms its perception and loyalty to it. For, the true Indian recognizes that the Guru is a only assurance of the individual to go beyond the bondage of sadness and death, and skill the Intelligence of the Reality."

गुरु पुर्णिमा के पावन पर्व पर क्या करे!!!

  • अपने गुरु को फोन द्वारा, इमेल द्वारा वाट्सअप् द्वारा संपर्क कर आशिर्वाद प्राप्त करे
  • आज के दिन अपने परिवार के साथ किसी मंदिर मे जाकर ईश्वर का दर्शन अवश्य करे.
  • आज के दिन अपने से बडे व्यक्ति का आशिर्वाद अवश्य प्राप्त करे.
  • आज के दिन गुरु के निर्देशानुसार मन्त्र जप करे या किसी देवी-देवता का मन्त्र जप अवश्य करे.
  • आज के दिन गुरु से गुरु दिक्षा या कोई अन्य दिक्षा अवश्य ले.
  • आज के दिन कोई भी साधना की शुरुवात करे या साधना से संबंधित दिक्षा अवश्य ले.
  • आज के दिन अध्यात्मिक सामग्री को अवश्य खरीदे.
  • आज के दिन किसी भी व्यक्ति का बुरा न सोचे, बल्कि अपने व अपने परिवार के खुशहाल भविष्य के बारे मे कामना करे.

What to do on Guru Purnima?

  • Contact your Guru via phone, email or whatsapp to get blessings from him.
  • Visit a nearby temple with your family for blessings from God.
  • Pay respect to your elders and get blessed.
  • Taking guidance from your Guru, chant particular mantra of any god/goddess and do the related required japa.
  • Gain Guru diksha or any other diksha from your respective Guru.
  • On this day, begin any type of Sadhana / puja & do take the necessary related diksha.
  • You must buy any Spiritual product on this auspicious day.
  • On this day, do not surround yourself with negative thoughts and hatred towards people, think well of everyone and especially pray for a healthy, wealthy and blessed future of you & your family.

 June 20, 2014 

Guru Purnima 2014

गुरु पुर्णिमा २०१४

Saturday 12 july 2012

Hindus connect supreme significance to religious gurus. Gurus are often equated with God (bhagawan) and forever regarded as a relationship between the individual and the Immortal. Just as the moon shines by dazzling the light with the sun, and glorifies it, all disciples can dazzle like the moon by gaining from their Gurus.

On this day Get Diksha for bright future

What exactly is Guru Purnima?

The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as the fortunate day of Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory with the great sagacious Vyasa. Every Hindus are grateful to this ancient saint who edited the four Vedas, wrote the eighteen Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Srimad Bhagavata. Vyasa even taught Dattatreya, who is regarded as the Guru of Gurus.

Importance of Guru Purnima

On this day, all religious aspirants and devotees worship Vyasa in respect of his divine dignitary and all disciples do a 'puja' of their respective religious preceptor or 'Gurudevs'.

This day is of deep importance to the farmers, for it heralds the setting in with the much-needed rains, as the advent of cool showers usher in fresh life in the fields. It is a good time to start your religious education. Historically, religious seekers begin to intensify their religious 'sadhna' from this day.

The period 'Chaturmas' ("four months") begins from this day. In the past, wandering religious masters and their disciples used to settle down at a place to study and discussion on the Brahma Sutras self-possessed by Vyasa, and interact themselves in Vedantic discussions.

Gurudev asks: "Do you understand now the sacred impact and the supreme consequence with the Guru's role in the evolution of man? It was not without reason that the India with the past cautiously tended and kept alive the lamp of Guru-Tattva. It's thus not without motive that India, year after year, age after age, commemorates anew this olden perception with the Guru, adores it and pays homage to it again and again, and thus re-affirms its perception and allegiance to it. For, the true Indian knows that the Guru is a only guarantee for the individual to transcend the bondage of unhappiness and death, and experience the Consciousness with the Reality."

1. All aspirants aware at Brahmamuhurta, at four o'clock. They meditate on the Guru and chant his prayers.

2. Later in the day, the sacred worship with the Guru's Feet is performed. Of this worship it's believed in the Guru Gita:

Dhyaana moolam guror murtih;

Pooja moolam guror padam;

Mantra moolam guror vakyam;

Moksha moolam guror kripa

ध्यान मूलम् गुरुर्मुर्ति

पूजा मूलम् गुरुर पदम्

मंत्र मूलम् गुरुर वाक्यम्

मोक्ष मूलम् गुरुर कृपा

"The Guru's form ought to be meditated upon; the feet with the Guru must be worshipped; his words are to be treated as a sacred Mantra; his Grace ensures ultimate liberation".

3. Sadhus and Sannyasins are then worshipped and fed at noon.

4. There is nonstop Satsang through that discourses are held on the glory of devotion to the Guru in particular, and on religious subjects in general.

five. Deserving aspirants are initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas, as it is a highly fortunate event.

6. Religious disciples fast and use up the full day in prayer (prarthana). They also get fresh resolves for religious growth.

The Guru's Recommendation

Guruji recommends: "Wake up at Brahmamuhurta (at four a.m.) on this most holy day. Deliberate on the lotus feet of your Guru. Mentally pray to him for his Grace, through that alone you can attain Self-realisation. Do energetic Japa and deliberate in the early morning hours.

"After bath, worship the lotus feet of your Guru, or his image or photo with flowers, fruits, incense and camphor. Fast or take only milk and fruits the whole day.

In the afternoon, sit with other devotees of your Guru and discuss with them the glories and knowledge of your Guru.

"On the other hand, you can observe the vow of silence and study the books or writings of your Guru, or mentally reflect upon his wisdom. Take fresh resolves on this holy day, to tread the religious path in accordance with the precepts of your Guru.

"At night, assemble again with other devotees, and sing the Names with the Lord and the glories of your Guru. The best form of worship with the Guru is to follow his knowledge, to shine as the very personification of his wisdom, and to spread his glory and his message."